Microbes will play a vital role in the development of sustainable construction materials, circular economies, and the development of closed loop systems in sustainable societies. Put simply, it is well established that humans cannot survive without our microbial counterparts. This includes everything from immune system defense, digestion of food, growing food, and the cycling of waste into nutrients that grows more life. In the MISA lab we are interested in the role that microbial consortia – a mixed species group of microbes that grow together – can play in making (and the degradation of) materials for 3-D printing of houses on Earth and beyond, and how microbes can help create circular economies (an economy with very little waste produced that is more sustainable). Microbes are also used in biomining which helps reduce the damaging impacts of the mining industry. Can we find microbial communities or consortia that can improve our ability to extract metals without harming ecosystems? Various microbes are used in biomining on Earth already, but recently have been investigated in low Earth orbit biomining experiments (see the UK Centre for Astrobiology: www.astrobiology.ac.uk/. The MISA lab is working with industry partners to address how microbes can help us improve the way our societies function, creating a more equal, just, and sustainable global community.